Meeting held over Zoom
Apologies: Dom Smith, Barry Williams, Adrian Drosdzowski
Committee Elect:
CHAIRMAN: Nom- Andy Kettle Sec- Dean Lever
SECRETARY: Nom- Adrian Drosdzowski Sec- Andy Kettle
TREASURER: Nom- Dean Lever Sec- Oli Kirrage
MEMBERSHIP SECRETARY: Nom- Dom Smith Sec- Andy Kettle
PUBLICITY OFFICER: Nom- Oli Kirrage Sec- Dean Lever
The CL69LG Bank account has now been set up and is through the Natwest Bank
We currently have a reserve account of £500
Current balance: £ awaiting new statement to arrive, once received information will be cascaded accordingly
A request is to be submitted for 2 x Debit Cards which will be held by the Chairman & Treasurer
To date we have 10 paid memberships
We currently have several items for sale on the group website, the logo available is that of the Group corporate Logo.
We have requested for personal photos to be permitted to use for merchandise ideas.
There are new 69001 Pin Badges currently in production through a 3rd Party, these will be available within the next 6 weeks to group Members.
Sales Stand:
Due to the current COVID19 Guidance, there has not been any opportunity to progress with the group Sales Stand this year, the Committee will be discussing to plan for the Sales Stand to be available in 2022 again pending on current government Guidance at that time.
Oli Kirrage will be designing a New CL69LG Banner to be used at the Sales Stand.
Once we have further finances then bulk merchandise will be ordered for the Sales Stand.
We have been granted permission from GBRf to hold the Sales Stand on future GBRf Railtours that are headed by the Class 69 locomotives.
Further information will be cascaded regards the Sales Stand as we get it.
A suggestion was made to look at the possibility of a site visit to a GBRf Facility for a small group of members to visit a Class 69 Locomotive up close, this will be looked in to and contact made to GBRf
Adrian Drosdzowski to arrange Quarterly meetings for the Committee
2022 AGM Date tbc and next meeting to be held at a venue
Meeting Closed
Meeting held over Zoom
- Committee Elect
- Finances
- Membership
- Merchandise
- Sales Stand
- A.O.B
Apologies: Dom Smith, Barry Williams, Adrian Drosdzowski
Committee Elect:
CHAIRMAN: Nom- Andy Kettle Sec- Dean Lever
SECRETARY: Nom- Adrian Drosdzowski Sec- Andy Kettle
TREASURER: Nom- Dean Lever Sec- Oli Kirrage
MEMBERSHIP SECRETARY: Nom- Dom Smith Sec- Andy Kettle
PUBLICITY OFFICER: Nom- Oli Kirrage Sec- Dean Lever
The CL69LG Bank account has now been set up and is through the Natwest Bank
We currently have a reserve account of £500
Current balance: £ awaiting new statement to arrive, once received information will be cascaded accordingly
A request is to be submitted for 2 x Debit Cards which will be held by the Chairman & Treasurer
To date we have 10 paid memberships
We currently have several items for sale on the group website, the logo available is that of the Group corporate Logo.
We have requested for personal photos to be permitted to use for merchandise ideas.
There are new 69001 Pin Badges currently in production through a 3rd Party, these will be available within the next 6 weeks to group Members.
Sales Stand:
Due to the current COVID19 Guidance, there has not been any opportunity to progress with the group Sales Stand this year, the Committee will be discussing to plan for the Sales Stand to be available in 2022 again pending on current government Guidance at that time.
Oli Kirrage will be designing a New CL69LG Banner to be used at the Sales Stand.
Once we have further finances then bulk merchandise will be ordered for the Sales Stand.
We have been granted permission from GBRf to hold the Sales Stand on future GBRf Railtours that are headed by the Class 69 locomotives.
Further information will be cascaded regards the Sales Stand as we get it.
A suggestion was made to look at the possibility of a site visit to a GBRf Facility for a small group of members to visit a Class 69 Locomotive up close, this will be looked in to and contact made to GBRf
Adrian Drosdzowski to arrange Quarterly meetings for the Committee
2022 AGM Date tbc and next meeting to be held at a venue
Meeting Closed
Minutes of Meeting 21st March 2021
1st Group Meeting of Class 69 Locomotive Group
Meeting held over Zoom due to current COVID19 regulations.
Meeting commenced 19:00
Meeting opened and Chaired by Andy Kettle
Committee Elect
Appointing Committee Members: persons nominated where received via email application, persons named below are elected and in position for next 12 months, this process was held due to the current COVID19 Regulations.
Chairman – Andy Kettle
Secretary – Vacant
Treasurer – Dean Lever
Membership Secretary – Dom Smith
Publicity Officer – Oli Kirrage
Agreed Constitution
The appointed Committee Members elect agreed on the Constitution of the Class 69 Locomotive Group,
- To work as an "Appreciation Group" promoting the awareness of the Class 69 Locomotive during its working life.
- To encourage our Members to stay safe when out documenting the Class 69 Locomotives & ensuring they stay safe with our new way of life adhering to Pandemic Government Guidance.
- Should any opportunities arise in the future, to then work in partnership with all stakeholders to achieve the feasibility of the CL69LG preserving and operating a class 69 locomotive on a heritage railway.
1 Minimum Age is 16 years to be a member of the CL69LG to enable carrying out volunteering work on behalf of the CL69LG assisting with Sales stands and other promotional events.
2. Children under 16 wishing to be a member of the CL69LG must do so via the Family Membership ONLY.
1. All “Working” volunteers must be registered as a Member of CL69LG.
2. Each volunteer must ensure that they are aware of the potential dangers while volunteering on behalf of CL69LG working on a Heritage Railway site.
3. Each volunteer must comply with the published Regulations and Instructions from the CL69LG.
4. CL69LG will not be held responsible for any personal items the volunteers bring when volunteering on behalf of CL69LG.
5.Volunteers & Members of the CL69LG shall not at any time use the name of ‘CLASS 69 LOCOMOTIVE GROUP [CL69LG] in dealings with any third parties – Without first obtaining the permission of the CL69LG Committee.
6. ALL Members must be aware that - ANY Bullying and Harassment of fellow members will not be tolerated. Any actions that are deemed to fall within the above - will be acted upon and dealt with accordingly by the CL69LG Committee.
1. To be by a Committee, to be elected annually by Members of the CL69LG.
2. The AGM shall elect a Chairman, Secretary, treasurer, Membership Secretary, Publicity officer.
3. The Committee shall have the power to co-opt Members for a specific task to a specific period not exceeding twelve months.
4. Nominations to elect Officers for the Committee Membership can be made by any Adult Member before or at the AGM.
5. The Committee shall meet not less than four times a year. One meeting shall be used for the AGM.
6. The Committee shall have the power to expel any Member who shall infringe any rule, or whose conduct shall in their opinion render him / her unfit for Membership of the CL69LG.
7. No Member shall be expelled without first having an opportunity to explain his / her conduct.
8. All Members will be notified in advance of what date the AGM will be held.
9. Any Committee members who cannot attend a Committee meeting MUST send their apologies to the Chairman in advance.
1. Members shall cease being Members.
2. By Resignation (by means of a Letter to the Chairman).
3. By expulsion via an Emergency Committee Meeting (minimum of 3 position holding Committee Members).
This Constitution can only be amended by resolution(s) passed by the Membership either at the AGM or at an Extraordinary General Meeting.
1. This can only be done on the recommendation of the Committee, giving three weeks’ notice of an Extraordinary General Meeting off ALL members.
2. Should the EGM decide to proceed with the Winding up of CL69LG, and then all its remaining assets will be forwarded to an agreed ‘Locomotive Heritage Group’.
It was agreed to utilize the dormant Bank account of the Friends of Guide Bridge Station and change Account name to CL69LG. the funds currently in the account will become that of the CL69LG once account has been set up.
Andy Kettle to chase this up with the NatWest Bank and feedback accordingly
It was agreed with the Elected Committee to create a Website to promote the Class 69 Locomotive Group, this is to be privately funded by Andy Kettle as a donation to the Group.
It was agreed to hold the next few meetings over Zoom until further lockdown restrictions have eased due to the COVID19 Pandemic.
Oli Kirrage to work on designing advertising for the Group sales stand
Meeting closed 19:45